Biyernes, Agosto 15, 2014

Hip Replacement Frisco TX: Who Needs a Hip Replacement and Why?

So you are having some problems with your hips? You may qualify for hip replacement Frisco TX. But what joint problems and diseases can be at the root of your hip problems, and which ones are bad enough to warrant a surgical hip replacement? Here are some of the most common sources of hip problems, and how hip replacement surgery might be the solution you need:

1. Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is one of the leading causes of joint problems that lead to hip replacement Frisco TX. Caused when the cartilage in your body breaks down slowly over time, this problem can cause extreme pain in the joints that is hard to alleviate through medicine. A hip replacement is typically recommended if you are afflicted with a moderate to advanced stage of this disease. The surfaces of your joints will be replaced with plastic or metal prostheses.

2. Osteonecrosis

Osteonecrosis is the death of bone tissue caused by the lack of blood flow to the bones. It is most common on the ends of the femur, at the knee and hip joints. If osteonecrosis goes undiagnosed or untreated for too long, this can result in near-total destruction of the joints. In those circumstances, it might be advisable to invest in a hip replacement Frisco TX. It is also a treatment if chemical or neurosurgical solutions have failed. There are a few different kinds of hip replacement surgeries to treat this disease. Ask your doctor which one is right for you.

3. Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis is another common disease affecting the bones and joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammation of the lining of the joints, and can cause swelling and stiffness. While it typically affects the bones in the extremities, no joint is immune. If left untreated for too long, it can result in deformation of the joints and erosion of the bones. Hip replacement surgery can be a solution at this stage, if present in the hip joints, as it will result in the damaged part of the joint being removed and replaced with prostheses.
If you have any of these common problems, ask your doctor about hip replacement Frisco TX today. Even if you do not have any symptoms for these diseases, and yet still feel pain, swelling, or stiffness in your joints, you might still be a candidate for the surgery. If you have to have hip replacement, be sure to get a surgeon who is an expert in joint replacement surgeries. Contact Texas Orthopedic Partners today at 469-287-7179.

hip replacement frisco tx
Frisco Texas Ortho Partners
4401 Coit Rd, Suite 203
Frisco, 75035

Martes, Agosto 12, 2014

Methods For Dealing with Arthritis Pain Frisco TX

Arthritis pain Frisco TX is the result of the cartilage lining between joints becoming inflamed. There are two major causes of this arthritic inflammation, either regular damage through wear and tear, or inflammation that’s the result of disease. There are various kinds of arthritis that stem from multiple causes and influence the joint cartilage in different ways, but arthritis always impacts the cushioning between joints. Because there are many different kinds and causes of arthritis, there are multiple different methods for dealing with the results of arthritis. The three major methods of dealing with arthritis include things like medication, physical therapy, and surgery.

Arthritis medication is often used to control arthritis pain Frisco TX and inflammation. Usually these medications are the standard anti-inflammatory drugs that can be gotten over the counter. They include medications like aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. There are also prescription medications available for when the inflammation is particularly severe. The doctor will be able to take into consideration the patient’s history and pain level to decide which kind of anti-inflammatory painkiller will work best for the patient’s needs. Also, in the event of a severe flare-up of pain, a doctor might be able to administer a cortisone shot into the joint in order to reduce the swelling and temporarily relieve the pain.

Physical therapy and exercise is another method for dealing with the problems of arthritis. Often these therapists will teach arthritis sufferers new methods of carrying out everyday tasks so that they will put less pressure on their joints. This decrease in pressure leads to less pain for the arthritis sufferer. Exercise can also lead to less pain by reducing the stiffness in joints through increasing the movement, and strengthening the muscles surrounding the joints through activity. 

Both of these actions help protect the joints against further damage, which in turn prevents pain.
Surgery is another method for dealing with arthritis pain Frisco TX. However, because surgery can be invasive, it is best to trust Texas Ortho Partners with reviewing the case and deciding whether or not surgery is the best option. Often surgery is regarded as the last option after all other treatments have failed to reduce the pain and inflammation to a livable level. A surgeon will take into account things like the specific kind of arthritis, the severity of the arthritis, and any concerns that they might have about the patient’s overall health. Depending upon all these factors, Texas Ortho Partners will recommend whether or not surgery is the best option, and what kind of surgery might serve the patient best. Contact us at to find out more about your options.

Arthritis pain Frisco TX
Frisco Texas Ortho Partners
4401 Coit Rd, Suite 203
Frisco, 75035

Biyernes, Agosto 1, 2014

Sports Medicine Frisco TX: How to Avoid Common Sports Injuries

Whether you play sports professionally or on an amateur level, you will want to become familiar with the basics of sports medicine Frisco TX. When you use your body as a tool, injuries are a constant threat. Luckily there are steps you can take to minimize the risk of injuries. Here are some of the proper things you will need in order to continue playing sports with little risk to yourself and your body:

Proper equipment

Depending on what sport you play, and what you do, you might need special equipment to help avoid having any sports-related injuries. One of the most important pieces of equipment is the proper outfit. Make sure that you have the right kind of shoes, which will prop up your leg at the proper angle to ensure minimal damage. Be sure to keep the shoes in good condition, as well. An uneven tread is almost as bad as uneven training ground. Make sure your venue and tools are also in good repair, or they will not serve their function

Proper warm-up

Every sport has its own warm-up regimens, which can range from an intense mini-workout to period of meditation. If you want to be able to perform your best within your sport, find the best warm-up for your sport which also works with you and your body. If you have a disability, or have had sports-related injuries in the past, a warm-up might be essential to making sure your body is capable of performing without disaster. Ask an expert in sports medicine Frisco TX for help with your warm-ups if you feel they are not helping you.

Proper nutrition

Your body is the basis of any and all sports. Even the least physically-demanding of sports requires mental focus and some amount of physically-based skill. So keeping your body honed and in good shape can be essential for keeping yourself from getting injured. The most important part of this process is having a proper nutritional regimen. Consult an expert in sports medicine Frisco TX if you aren’t sure what your particular sport requires. Most would probably recommend the regular and frequent consumption of water.

No matter what sport you play, preparation and a good set of building blocks are essential for avoiding injury. If you do not know what proper preparation for your particular sport requires, consult an expert in sports medicine Frisco TX such as Texas Orthopedic Partners.

Call today at 469-287-7179.
sports medicine frisco tx
Frisco Texas Ortho Partners
4401 Coit Rd, Suite 203
Frisco, 75035