Lunes, Marso 30, 2015

Orthopedic Specialist Frisco TX | Call 469-293-4000

Texas Orthopedic Partners is your Orthopedic Specialist Frisco TX solution. Call us today at 469-293-4000.

At Texas Orthopedic Partners we guarantee an expert diagnosis and treatment plan. Our staff is dedicated to your healing process and quality of life after your pain, treatments and or surgery is over with. Whether you are a candidate for a knee replacement, hip replacement, hand or elbow surgery, joint surgery, or in need of other Orthopedic Surgeon services, or Sports Medicine, our staff and Doctors can help! Call us today to schedule an appointment 469-293-4000.
Visit us online at

Texas Orthopedic Partners
4401 Coit Rd, Suite 203
Frisco, TX 75035

Biyernes, Marso 20, 2015

Orthopedic Sports Medicine Frisco TX | Call 469-293-4000

Texas Orthopedic Partners is your Orthopedic Sports Medicine Frisco TX specialist. Call us today at 469-293-4000.

At Texas Orthopedic Partners we guarantee an expert diagnosis and treatment plan. Our staff is dedicated to your healing process and quality of life after your pain, treatments and or surgery is over with. Whether you are a candidate for a knee replacement, hip replacement, hand or elbow surgery, joint surgery, or in need of other Orthopedic Surgeon services, or Sports Medicine, our staff and Doctors can help! Call us today to schedule an appointment 469-293-4000.
Visit us online at

Texas Orthopedic Partners
4401 Coit Rd, Suite 203
Frisco, TX 75035

Huwebes, Marso 19, 2015

Sports Medicine Frisco TX: Conditioning Is Key To Avoiding Injuries

Participating in sports as a hobby or for any kind of physical exercise can often result in injuries - either chronic or acute.  Sports medicine in Frisco TX exists to address these types of injuries.  Doctors who specialize in sports-related damage to joints, muscles and bones are the most qualified to diagnose and treat it.  At Texas Orthopedic Partners, we know that people who participate in sports and who aren’t conditioned amateur or professional athletes are more prone to injuries because their bodies haven’t been prepared to withstand them. 

Often, people who have participated in sports in their past, like high school or college athletes, think that they can pick up in their 30s, 40s or 50s where they left off in their 20s.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way.  Texas Orthopedic Partners doctors in sports medicine in Frisco TX know that training properly to participate in sports requires more than a quick stretch and expensive sneakers.  It requires you to go to a gym or work with a trainer who can get you fit for whichever sport you want to participate in.  Depending on your sport, you may need core muscle build-up through weight and strength training or you may need a whole-body approach to training like Pilates or yoga.  You may even need both in addition to working on your cardiovascular fitness, which is appropriate conditioning for any sport. 

The first step to take before you even start your conditioning is to see your primary care physician for a sports-specific check-up just to be sure you’re in shape to begin any kind of exercise.  If you get the greenlight, then you can start training; but you must take a gradual approach or you could suffer an injury before you pick up a ball or a racquet.  As much as you may want to hurry out to the golf course or basketball court or soccer field, you have to remember that you’re working toward a goal and that goal is to participate in sports for exercise without hurting yourself. 

If, for any reason, you do suffer a sports-related injury, your best choice for treatment is Texas Orthopedic Partners.  Our doctors are skilled in diagnosing and treating sports injuries no matter how old you are and no matter if you’re a professional athlete or a weekend enthusiast.  We take a multi-layered approach to treating your injuries and your symptoms to get you back in top form in no time.  Visit us at or call us at Texas Orthopedic Partners at (469) 293-4000 for the best sports medicine in Frisco TX.  

Lunes, Marso 16, 2015

Sports Medicine Frisco TX: Examine Both the Injury and the Sport

Getting the right sports medicine in Frisco TX treatment is all a matter of knowing what kind of care an athlete needs. Different sporting activities give rise to different kinds of injuries because they draw more heavily on different muscle groups, and expose different parts of the body to injury. Some kinds of injuries are universal no matter the sport, but actually a lot of the injuries will present differently based upon the specific sports-related activity that triggered the injury in the first place. It is important that the sports medicine professional that you rely on to help you deal with your injury understand the differences in these sports. That understanding will not only help you to heal, but also means that the sports medicine professional will have advice about how to keep this kind of injury from happening again.

Different sports expose their athletes to different potential injuries. Obviously a sport like football is going to expose its athletes to more concussions and head injuries than cross country runner would encounter. At the same time, rugby is more likely to lead to a broken bone than baseball. As each sport exposes its athletes to a different variety of potential injuries, so too does sports medicine in Frisco TX have to know how to handle these different injuries in a way that will help you not only get better, but also prevent injuries from happening again. The long term methods for a cross country athlete to deal with the running injury known as shin splints are different than the methods employed by a baseball player. A baseball player would probably be able to do some leg strengthening exercises and prevent future injuries, while the amount of running that a cross country athlete does will require stronger intervention.
Getting the right sports medicine in Frisco TX means getting help that is tailored not only the athlete’s injury, but to the sport that triggered that injury. When the medical professional can bring together both of those aspects then they will be able to take care of the injury and prevent injuries like it from happening to the athlete again. Texas Ortho Partners has the practical experience that makes it possible for them to diagnose and treat sports-related injuries in such a way that the athlete will be able to press forward with their sport without worrying about relapse. Find out more about how they can help you at
Sports Medicine Frisco TX
Texas Orthopedic Partners                                                                                                                                                                                       
4401 Coit Rd, Suite 203
Frisco, Texas 75035
(469) 293-4000

Miyerkules, Marso 11, 2015

Sports Medicine In Frisco TX : Be Healthy and Strong

Sports medicine in Frisco TX recognizes that society today is all about being healthy, which is a good thing. People are exercising more and improving their health step by step. Despite the efforts to improve physical fitness, sports injuries are on the rise and this is true not only for adults but children also.

Children and adolescents participate in a lot of organized sporting activities. Regardless of the benefits these young people are being injured more, approximately 2 million per year are being seen at emergency rooms, clinics and family practice offices.

Here are some of the most common injuries. Some treatable with good prognosis, while others could possibly be fatal. Most are accompanied by pain and all need to be seen by a physician and treated.

A sprain is an injury to the ligaments, with the ankle being at the top of the list. A strain is an injury to a tendon or a muscle. A growth plate injury involves the developing tissues at the end of the bones. Motion injuries, which are the results of overuse or tendons and muscles, include stress fractures and tendonitis. Dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke are all heat related injuries.

Injuries can happen to anyone at anytime but there are some preventative measures that can be taken to help lessen the occurrences. The physicians that deal with sports medicine in Frisco TX encourage the use of these measures to help support the body and protect it more from injury.

Organized sports are the best route to take for your children’s involvement. Coaches should be properly trained and knowledgeable in their area.

Make sure that your child has the proper equipment. This is often a strong deterrent to injury.

Keep your child hydrated. Your child needs plenty of water or sports drink. It is important to make sure that they drink often. The body needs these fluids for protection. If playing outdoor sports, sunscreens are highly recommended to prevent immediate and long range problems. Clothing that is made of breathable material is a good measure to take for your child’s safety when engaged in sports in the heat.

Children and adults should always warm up before participating in any sporting activity. Use good common sense no matter what the event.

Treatment will vary depending on the injury. Take the safer route and let a doctor check out an injury so that further damage doesn’t occur.

Exercise and participation in sports are great for kids and individuals of all ages. Exercise, of all types, should be encouraged and supported. Just do the homework, and be sure to practice the preventive measures.

Texas Ortho Partners understands sports medicine in Frisco TX. We also know the benefits of exercise and participation in sporting activities. We are here for those times when there is a mishap and injuries take place. Let us help you and your family feel better, heal, and continue on the path to healthy living.

Martes, Marso 10, 2015

Why Orthopedic Sports Medicine Frisco TX Matters to Athletes

While people often understand what sports medicine and what orthopedic medicine are, often people don’t realize that orthopedic sports medicine in Frisco TX is an option for them. Orthopedic sports medicine is a subcategory that brings together the broader ideas of sports medicine and orthopedics. Orthopedics focuses on the musculoskeletal system, while sports medicine is specifically concerned with the injuries and medical problems associated with athletes. This means that orthopedic sports medicine is concerned with the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of damage to the structures of the musculoskeletal system as a result of athletic activity.

Though this understanding of orthopedic sports medicine in Frisco TX is accurate, it can be difficult for the layman to comprehend what exactly it means. At their most basic, these medical professionals provide the same kind of advice that any good sports medicine specialist should be able to offer. This means that they are able to provide advice about how to condition and train properly to avoid injuries, as well as advice about specific training activities that will enable athletes to improve their performance as well as reduce the likelihood of injuries. At the same time, orthopedic sports medicine in Frisco TX specialists have extra training that means they have an added degree of knowledge about the functioning and repair of soft tissue, which means they understand the mechanics of how injuries happen, how to prevent them, and how to help repair damage in case It should happen. This added degree of orthopedic knowledge also means that these medical professionals are familiar with the best treatment options to get an athlete back up on their feet, and all the techniques and equipment necessary to help athletes do that. 

Orthopedic sports medicine professionals are some of the best people you can find when it comes time to take care of the athletes in your life. These professionals have the capability to help prevent sports related injuries, and to put an athlete back together in case the worst should happen and someone gets injured. If you want to make sure that you get the best orthopedic sports medicine advice so that your athletes will be properly taken care of, you want to seek out Texas Orthopedic Partners. With their counsel there to guide your decisions, your athletes will be in the best possible handle for avoiding injury, and have the best possible care in case an injury does happen. Contact them at to find out more about the services they offer.