Lunes, Enero 26, 2015

How Can Sports Medicine Frisco TX Benefit You?

What is sports medicine in Frisco TX? If you have never visited a sports medicine clinic, you may not know what these doctors and therapists can do. Knowing may be beneficial, as most people can benefit from the therapies offered by sports medicine experts and doctors.

You Don’t Have to Be an Athlete to Be Injured

First things first: you don’t have to be a professional athlete to receive a sports injury. You may roll your ankle playing football with your family on Thanksgiving morning. You could crack a rib if you get elbowed during a basketball game with your friends. Whether your activity of choice is hiking, cycling, or playing sports, injuries are possible - and quite common. Knowing where to turn when you receive an injury during sports is vital.

Some sports-related injuries are less severe and can be anything from bruising to serious sprains. More intense injuries may include torn or strained ligaments or muscles. With proper treatment, exercises, stretches and rehabilitation, your injured area can be back to normal in no time. However, putting off a sports medicine Frisco TX office visit can result in permanent injury or improper healing.

Types of Treatments

X-Rays and MRI Tests: If you receive a sports injury, doctors will likely run a few tests, including x-rays and/or MRI tests. These tests are performed so doctors can determine the root of the problem and the severity of the injury.

Cold Laser Therapy: Some sports medicine Frisco TX clinics offer cold laser therapy. This painless therapy involves the doctor or technician shining a red light laser on the injured or affected area. This is a fairly new therapy that not all doctors offer, but an increasing number of them do. Laser therapy can help heal scars and scar tissue, assist muscle healing, and reduce pain, among other things.

Physical Therapy: Physical therapy is probably the most common sports medicine Frisco TX clinics offer. Whether you are regaining stability after a broken ankle or increasing knee flexibility, physical therapy can help get you there. Licensed and certified physical therapists demonstrate exercises, movements and stretches to help strengthen muscle and improve flexibility. Physical therapy appointments can be every few days to every few weeks, depending on the severity of the injury. The more dedicated you are with physical therapy, the sooner you will recover.

Deep Tissue Massage: If muscles are torn, thick scar tissue is common. Deep tissue massage is one of the best ways to relieve pain and loosen up scar tissue. Your sports medicine doctor may suggest weekly or monthly massages, depending on the type of injury you have.

Is Sports Medicine for You?

These are just a few types of therapies offered by sports medicine doctors. Just as each injury case is different, the treatment plan also varies. Whether you are still nursing a years-old injury or you recently hurt yourself during physical activity, give Texas Orthopedic Partners a call at 469-293-4000. Let us help you get back to health!

Miyerkules, Enero 21, 2015


Is someone you love is getting ready to have a knee replacement in Frisco TX and you want to help out but are just not sure what to do? Well the best place to start is with the basics. Put yourself in the shoes of the patient. Think about the pain they are probably enduring along with all the other emotions they will be experiencing after the surgery.  Frustration, fatigue, and maybe even a little fear would not be uncommon.

The simple things are hard to do. They are likely to need assistance with mobility, but being dependent on others is sometimes very difficult especially if you have been independent. Sitting, standing, going to the bathroom, getting in and out of bed, are all areas that will need help to accomplish each time.

If you are going to be the temporary caregiver, it is important that you be there when the doctor speaks with the patient. One important schedule to monitor and keep on task is that of medicines. Make sure they are taken as the doctor prescribes. You may be required to keep a close eye on the wound, checking for discoloration and any swelling. Some physicians may ask you to clean the wound or bandage.

Doing chores around the home may be necessary. Tidy up and keep the patient’s environment clean. Simple task such as mopping, laundry, vacuuming, and dishes make a big difference. Errands might need to be run, meals fixed and making sure that the patient is getting plenty of rest are all parts of the job too.

Good communication with the medical staff is important. Assist in making sure that the follow up appointments are kept. Not keeping appointments could delay recovery and lead to complications.

One of the most critical parts of recovery from a knee replacement in Frisco TX is rehab. This can be painful but it is an essential piece in the regaining of mobility and quality of life. Encourage the patient with their exercise and help them to stay on task and focused towards the finish line.

Write down any questions that the patient or yourself may have to ask the doctor. Take notes of the patients progress. There is always the possibility of complications so take notice of the patient’s mental being along with the wound or side effects of the medications.

Being an emotional support is huge. There is something to be said about the role our emotional state plays in recovery. The road the patient has to travel back to good health will not be easy and they need to have the positive encouragement of others.

Being a caregiver can be challenging but it has rewards. At Texas Ortho Partners we understand what patients having knee replacement in Frisco TX are going through. We know how important post surgery care is and appreciate those who assist in that care.

Knee replacement Frisco TX
Texas Orthopedic Partners
4401 Coit Rd, Suite 203
Frisco, Texas 75035
(469) 293-4000


Martes, Enero 13, 2015

Knee Replacement Surgery Frisco TX | Call 469-293-4000

Texas Orthopedic Partners is your Knee Replacement Frisco TX specialists. Call us today at 469-293-4000.

At Texas Orthopedic Partners we guarantee an expert diagnosis and treatment plan. Our staff is dedicated to your healing process and quality of life after your pain, treatments and or surgery is over with. Whether you are a candidate for a knee replacement, hip replacement, hand or elbow surgery, joint surgery, or in need of other Orthopedic Surgeon services, or Sports Medicine, our staff and Doctors can help! Call us today to schedule an appointment 469-293-4000.
Visit us online at

Texas Orthopedic Partners
4401 Coit Rd, Suite 203
Frisco, TX 75035

Lunes, Enero 12, 2015

Keep Moving With The Help Of Sports Medicine In Frisco TX

It is wonderful to be active but along with activity comes the possibility of injury and that is where sports medicine in Frisco TX comes into play. We are encouraged to participate in some type of activity on a daily basis. That activity can be walking, jogging, fitness classes, bowling, tennis or anything else that get us up and moving.  It is great for our bodies and improvement of our overall health both physical and mental. Our society encourages us to stop being “couch potatoes” and get moving.
Injuries unfortunately are bound to occur at one point or another in our quest for fitness. Sports medicine in Frisco TX understands how pain can affect us. They know how to not only treat but to educate on prevention of injuries. What was once thought to only be for the “elite” athlete has branched out to meet the needs of not only professionals but amateurs and everyday people, of all ages, who are participating in some form of athletics.
Exercising on a regular basis has a big chance of bringing on pain. That pain can occur from a variety of injuries to locations all over the body. Here are a few of the most common injury locations: Knees, hips, foot, ankle, legs, shoulders, neck, elbows, arms, wrist, and back. Strains, pulls, breaks, and tears can elevate our pain thresholds.
If you start to feel pain or know that you have been injured, the first thing you need to do is stop doing it! Pain is a warning sign and to continue with an activity causing pain has the possibility of further damage. You need to see a physician and seek immediate treatment.
There are always going to be warning signs, some we will notice before others, but remember to be mindful of them. They play an important role in diagnosis. Joint pain that persists, tenderness, especially in an isolated or specific area, swelling outwardly but also swelling that is not necessarily seen but felt coming from much deeper inside, reduced range of motion, weakness, numbness or tingling can all be trying to tell you something is wrong. See a physician so that healing through specific treatment can begin to take place.
Don’t stop moving because it is good for you and the risk of injury for most of us is low to moderate, but if an injury does occur turn to sports medicine in Frisco TX.  Here at Texas Ortho Partners we are ready to help you heal and get you up and moving again. Don’t let pain get in the way.
Sports medicine Frisco TX
Texas Orthopedic Partners
4401 Coit Rd, Suite 203
Frisco, Texas 75035
(469) 293-4000

Linggo, Enero 11, 2015

Sports Medicine Frisco TX | Call 469-293-4000

Texas Orthopedic Partners is your Sports Medicine Frisco TX specialists. Call us today at 469-293-4000.

At Texas Orthopedic Partners we guarantee an expert diagnosis and treatment plan. Our staff is dedicated to your healing process and quality of life after your pain, treatments and or surgery is over with. Whether you are a candidate for a knee replacement, hip replacement, hand or elbow surgery, joint surgery, or in need of other Orthopedic Surgeon services, or Sports Medicine, our staff and Doctors can help! Call us today to schedule an appointment 469-293-4000.
Visit us online at

Texas Orthopedic Partners
4401 Coit Rd, Suite 203
Frisco, TX 75035