Lunes, Enero 12, 2015

Keep Moving With The Help Of Sports Medicine In Frisco TX

It is wonderful to be active but along with activity comes the possibility of injury and that is where sports medicine in Frisco TX comes into play. We are encouraged to participate in some type of activity on a daily basis. That activity can be walking, jogging, fitness classes, bowling, tennis or anything else that get us up and moving.  It is great for our bodies and improvement of our overall health both physical and mental. Our society encourages us to stop being “couch potatoes” and get moving.
Injuries unfortunately are bound to occur at one point or another in our quest for fitness. Sports medicine in Frisco TX understands how pain can affect us. They know how to not only treat but to educate on prevention of injuries. What was once thought to only be for the “elite” athlete has branched out to meet the needs of not only professionals but amateurs and everyday people, of all ages, who are participating in some form of athletics.
Exercising on a regular basis has a big chance of bringing on pain. That pain can occur from a variety of injuries to locations all over the body. Here are a few of the most common injury locations: Knees, hips, foot, ankle, legs, shoulders, neck, elbows, arms, wrist, and back. Strains, pulls, breaks, and tears can elevate our pain thresholds.
If you start to feel pain or know that you have been injured, the first thing you need to do is stop doing it! Pain is a warning sign and to continue with an activity causing pain has the possibility of further damage. You need to see a physician and seek immediate treatment.
There are always going to be warning signs, some we will notice before others, but remember to be mindful of them. They play an important role in diagnosis. Joint pain that persists, tenderness, especially in an isolated or specific area, swelling outwardly but also swelling that is not necessarily seen but felt coming from much deeper inside, reduced range of motion, weakness, numbness or tingling can all be trying to tell you something is wrong. See a physician so that healing through specific treatment can begin to take place.
Don’t stop moving because it is good for you and the risk of injury for most of us is low to moderate, but if an injury does occur turn to sports medicine in Frisco TX.  Here at Texas Ortho Partners we are ready to help you heal and get you up and moving again. Don’t let pain get in the way.
Sports medicine Frisco TX
Texas Orthopedic Partners
4401 Coit Rd, Suite 203
Frisco, Texas 75035
(469) 293-4000

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