Lunes, Nobyembre 30, 2015

Become Mobile and Independent Again with Knee Replacement in Frisco, TX

knee replacement frisco txArthritis and other debilitating conditions can cause people to consider knee replacement in Frisco, TX. Initially with these conditions, you may not experience any mobility issues, but as they progress due to lack of diagnosis and treatment, it can become harder to walk and move around due to a painful knee. Thankfully, now you can regain your life and independence with knee replacement.
Causes of Knee Joint Pain
While arthritis is the one of the leading causes of knee joint pain, the other reasons for the pain include the following:
  • Trauma due to fracture
  • Increased stress on the joint due to overuse
  • Infection
  • Disorders related to connective tissue
  • Sedentary and inactive lifestyle
  • Being obese or overweight
  • Inflammation of the knee joint because of rheumatoid arthritis
Whatever the reason for your knee joint pain, you can ultimately end up with a stiff joint that adversely affects your ability to perform day-to-day activities.
The Solution Can Be Knee Replacement in Frisco, TX
Knee replacement in Frisco, TX could be the answer to your knee pain symptoms. Once you find a suitable and reputable orthopedic specialist in Frisco TX, he will make a diagnosis and recommend a treatment. If your painful knee joint is affecting your mobility and day-to-day life, the orthopedic surgeon will choose a joint replacement, wherein the arthritic knee joint is replaced with prostheses.
Usually, joint replacement involves replacing the ends of the thigh bone (femur) and shin bone (tibia), inserting a plastic between them to mimic the cartilage and replacing the kneecap or patella. This surgery is typically recommended for patients between the ages of 60 and 80, but can also be performed on patients as young as 20 years old.
With knee replacement in Frisco, TX, the following symptoms will be reduced:
  • Excruciating pain that hinders your ability to walk, go shopping, get in and out of a chair, gardening, and visiting friends
  • Deformity of the affected leg in the form of knock knees or bow legs
  • Stiffness
  • Severe pain that wakes you up in the night and prevents you from obtaining adequate rest and sleep
Do not let your arthritic knee wreak havoc with your days. It is time to reclaim your life by scheduling a knee replacement in Frisco, TX. Set up an appointment with Texas Ortho Partners, where a specialist will evaluate your joint and recommend the right course of treatment. We've been voted award-winning surgeons in D magazine, and we know how to alleviate your suffering. Call the trusted professionals at (469) 293-4000 for outstanding care and solutions to your debilitating knee pain.

Knee Replacement in Frisco, Tx: What You Should Know

knee replacement frisco txIf you have pain and limited mobility in your knee joint, knee replacement in Frisco, TX will help you to resume daily activities without pain. Knee replacement, also called knee arthroplasty, is performed when severe joint pain persists despite non-surgical treatment. When physical therapy, exercise, acupuncture and corticosteroid injections don’t offer relief, knee replacement is the obvious choice.
If you have difficulty walking or performing other activities due to swelling and pain in one or both knees, you’re probably a good candidate for knee replacement. Modern technology makes knee replacement surgery and the healing process after the operation faster and easier than ever. Like any surgery, it has its risks, but today’s knee replacement procedures are designed to get you out of the hospital and back home
During a total knee replacement, your surgeon takes out damaged bone and cartilage from the knee surface and replaces them with metal and plastic. In a partial knee replacement, the surgeon replaces one part of the knee joint. A total knee replacement provides better joint function and pain relief than medication or other conservative treatment. Every year, about 700,000 Americans get knee replacement surgery,
You can resume daily exercise and participate in sports after knee replacement in Frisco, TX. Swimming, walking, biking, bowling and other low-impact activities are recommended after surgery. Karate, handball, hockey and other high-impact sports place too much pressure on weight-bearing joints and should be avoided. Don’t participate in high-impact sports after knee surgery unless you get permission from your doctor.
Knee placements provide pain relief and allow patients to resume normal activity. About 90% of knee replacement surgeries last for up to 15 years, and some last longer. According to, most patients receiving knee replacement are between 50 and 80 years old, with 70 being the average age.Patients getting knee replacement surgery in Frisco TX can be between the ages of 20 and 100, depending on the severity of damage to the knee.
Knee replacement surgery has a few complications. Although there’s little chance you’ll experience any of them, discuss potential problems with your surgeon before the operation. Infection, blood loss and reactions to anesthesia occur in some patients after knee replacement surgery, but they’re quite rare.
Regain your mobility by getting knee replacement in Frisco, TX from a great team. D Magazine readers have voted Texas Ortho Partners “Best Doctors in Collin County for Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery in 2015.” Call us at (469)-293-4000 to schedule an appointment.

Sports Medicine in Frisco, TX: Common Knee Injuries

sports medicine frisco txWhen athletes find themselves injured, they often seek help from an expert in sports medicine in Frisco, TX to help them recover and get back in the game. An athlete's body experiences a lot of activity throughout the day, so it is important that they do what they can to avoid being injured during practice or a game. People may remember to stretch and actively work to keep their muscles strong and healthy, but that doesn't always prevent an injury from occurring. There are a number of different injuries people can sustain, but since the knee is one of the largest, most-worked joints in the body, it is not surprising that many athletes find themselves trying to recover from a knee injury.
Here are some of the most common types of knee injuries athletes suffer from and what can be done to prevent them from occurring.
  • Ligament tears
  • Dislocation
  • Strains
  • Sprains
  • Breaks
What Can Be Done to Prevent Knee Injuries From Occurring?
Along with seeking help from a sports medicine professional, when people want to prevent themselves from suffering a knee injury, they can do the following:
  • Weight train to strengthen muscles.
  • Warm up before playing a sport or exercising.
  • Maintain a similar level of activity to prevent muscles from weakening. 
  • Watch and maintain your weight.
  • Stretch prior to engaging in physical activity.
  • Wear proper shoes.
There is never any telling which type of knee injury a person will suffer while they are engaging in physical activity. Should they happen to suffer an injury, in some cases, people will even make the decision to ignore the pain they are experiencing and allow it to get worse and lead to further injuries. However, there will come a time that they will need to get help and start their road to recovery if they want to continue to play the sport they love. This will lead many to seek out a doctor who specializes in sports medicine in Frisco, TX. Many athletes depend on these doctors to not only help them heal, but also to help decrease their chances of that same knee injury occurring again or dealing with a new one.
Get the Best Sports Medicine in Frisco, TX from Texas Ortho Partners
If you are an athlete with any type of injury, and you want to get back to playing the sport you love, consider sports medicine in Frisco, TX. Contact Texas Ortho Partners at 469-293-4000 for the best possible care to help you get back to your former glory.

Knee Replacement in Frisco, TX: Your Knees Take A Beating

If you're considering knee replacement in Frisco, TX, you want to have a great set of doctors to help you find the best solution for your needs. At Texas Orthopedic Partners, we take caring for your joints and muscles seriously, and we want to help you get back to the life you love quickly and with no pain. Activities like running, jumping, walking, playing soccer and tennis can cause great stress for our joints, especially our knees. That's why you need to get someone on board to help you find the right solution to your issues. Call us today at 469-293-4000.

Huwebes, Nobyembre 19, 2015

Knee Replacement in Frisco, TX: Steps to a Successful Recovery

knee replacement frisco txFrom osteoarthritis to an accident or injury, the reasons to need a knee replacement in Frisco, TX are endless. An estimated 600,000 knee replacements are performed in the United States each year. This common procedure is an intensive surgery, but with proper care and recovery, it can be a worthwhile option if you are suffering with immobility, discomfort, or more serious pain. Listed below are the steps necessary for a successful recovery after your surgery.
The First Step to Recovery from Knee Replacement in Frisco, TX Starts in the Hospital
Surgery is serious, so you will need to stay in the hospital for a few days after the procedure. During your stay, you will most likely feel some pain, so your doctor will prescribe a pain management medication. In addition, anti-inflammatory medications and compression socks will be used to reduce swelling and prevent blood clots, ensuring a safe recovery.
You may have difficulty breathing after your surgery because you were under anesthesia, which is why a hospital stay is so essential. Doctors and nurses will monitor your breathing for a few days after surgery to prevent pneumonia.
Physical therapy will begin the day after your surgery for knee replacement in Frisco, TX, as well. Therapists will design a series of light exercises to restore your knee movement. Elevating the leg using a CPM, or Continuous Passive Motion, machine is also necessary. This machine moves the muscle of your legs, reducing swelling and improving blood circulation after your surgery.
At Home
Spending time in the hospital under close supervision, is simple compared to your role in home recovery. Here are some recovery rules to follow at home:
  • Wound Care: Sutures and staples will remain up until a few weeks after your surgery, so you must keep the wound clean to prevent infections. Always keep the incision wrapped to avoid irritation from clothing. Before bathing, cover the incision site with a waterproof bandage and wrap in plastic wrap for extra protection.
  • Activities: Avoid strenuous activity the first few days after your surgery. Use a cane or walker for extra support when climbing stairs. Increase your walking speed and distance a little each day, but consult your physical therapist for detailed instructions. You should resume normal activities within 3 to 6 weeks after the procedure.
  • Prevent Clots: Blood clots can quickly develop after your surgery, so taking precaution while at home is smart. Continue taking blood-thinning medications at home to reduce the risk of clotting. Wearing compression socks at night and exercising as recommended improves the circulation of blood, which is important for preventing clots.
To learn more about knee replacement in Frisco, TX and recovery tips, contact Texas Orthopedic Partners at 469-293-4000.

Knee Replacement In Frisco, TX: Preparing For Your Knee Replacement

knee replacement frisco txIf you are facing the prospect of knee replacement in Frisco, TX, know that you are not alone.  According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, more than 600,000 knee replacements are performed each year in the United States.  But, just because they’re a relatively common procedure, that doesn’t mean they’re no big deal.  Aside from any of a multitude of surgical complications that can arise from a joint replacement procedure, knee replacement in Frisco, TX requires a fairly substantial recovery time that can include long-term physical therapy and pain management.
If your orthopedic surgeon has decided that knee replacement is the best option for you, there are many preparatory steps that you will have to take before the surgery happens.  These include:
➛ Medical Evaluation and Testing.  If you are older or you have certain health risk factors, your surgeon may ask you to undergo a physical examination to determine if you are healthy enough for the procedure and the recovery that follows.  If you have a chronic medical condition, like heart disease, you may have to be cleared for surgery by a cardiologist.  In addition, blood and urine tests and an electrocardiogram may be performed to check for any other health problems.

➛ Dental Evaluation.  Because of the risk of infection that comes with any invasive procedure, you may need to see your dentist to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy so that you won’t have to have any emergency dental procedures performed after your knee replacement.  When you see your dentist early enough, you can have any dental problems or procedures performed well before your scheduled knee replacement.

➛ Social Planning.  Though you’ll be able to walk with crutches or a walker soon after surgery, you will still need help with any tasks that require movement like shopping, cooking, cleaning and doing laundry.  If you live alone, arrange with a close friend or family member to come and stay with you, at least during the critical part of your recovery period.  If you don’t have someone who can stay with you, ask your surgeon to refer you to an extended-care facility for a short period of time or to help you find in-home assistance.

➛ Home Planning.  Before you head to the hospital or clinic for your knee replacement in Frisco, TX, make sure your home is ready for your return.  Have a comfortable, stable chair set up in your living room or bedroom that has two arms, a firm back and a footstool for elevating your leg whenever you need to.  Make sure this chair is in a central location on the lower level of your home to make it easier for you to reach the kitchen, bathroom, etc.  Make sure all paths leading from your chair to other areas of your home that you need to reach are clear of impediments and make sure that all loose rugs are removed from any path you might take.  Put safety bars or a secure handrail in your shower or bath along with a sturdy shower seat.  If you have a low toilet, install a toilet seat riser with arms.
Deciding on knee replacement in Frisco, TX can be difficult.  To get help and to find out more about the procedure, call us at Texas Orthopedic Partners at (469) 293-4000.  You can also visit us online at to find out more about knee replacement and how we can help you.

Miyerkules, Nobyembre 18, 2015

Sports Medicine Frisco, TX: Avoiding Sports-Related Injuries

sports medicine frisco txIf there is one thing our practice has noticed of late, it’s the growing need for sports medicine in Frisco, TX. We get it; sports-related injuries happen. Many of them can’t be avoided, but many of them can. It’s amazing what a little bit of patience or critical thinking can accomplish, so before you try to recreate the dunk of the century, take a look at your training habits to make sure your body isn’t at risk.
You’ve heard it before. You’ve heard it a million times. But stretching never gets old-fashioned. The urge to simply lace up and hit the field is a strong one, but be sure you stretch your muscles carefully before physically strenuous exercise or you will run a high risk of injury. Don’t just stretch, either--you need to warm up, with a jog or some related activity, and then do a comprehensive stretch (we know, it takes patience).
Getting into shape is a key to healthy performance. This might sound obvious, but what we’re referring to isn’t simply the ability to run fast or jump high; it’s the time in the weight room working on muscles that don’t necessarily make you look better on the beach. Pitchers don’t simply hurl fastballs from a mound all day--they follow a strict regimen of pitcher-specific exercises and weightlifting that will prevent wear and tear. The fact that you can jump out of the gym doesn’t mean you are in great shape either. If you jump high but don’t properly condition your legs (thighs especially), the shock you absorb from landing will likely lead to patellar tendinitis (“jumper’s knee”) or something similar.
On a related note, use good form when you work out. This is another over-used piece of advice, but bad form leads to bad results and bad injuries. You would be amazed at the amount of athletes seeking sports medicine in Frisco TX because they got lazy with shoulder press form or didn’t squat correctly. Furthermore, don’t attempt goals that you aren’t ready for. Too much weight, for instance, can lead to serious injury, and that extra sprint that you haven’t trained for is likely the sprint that will leave you with a pulled quad or hamstring.
Your body needs it. Without rest, your body can’t recover and rebuild. We recommend at least one day per week when your body can catch up, even though you can still put up some shots or throw a few passes. Thirty years down the road (or even two!), your muscles and joints will be thanking you for the rest days you put in while you were still training hard!
Wear Protective Gear
Lastly, don’t take your safety on the field for granted. While you might play nine games in a row without a certain pad and live to tell about it, you never know what game 10 will bring. We understand that putting all of your gear on every time you play is tedious, and it might even be uncomfortable--but rehab is far more tedious and uncomfortable than any pad could ever be.
In short, don’t cut corners when training and playing sports. We can promise you this: there won’t be any shortcuts when you’re rehabbing an injured muscle. When the need for sports medicine in Frisco, TX does come along, though, make sure you call 469-293-4000 to get the best care available in the DFW Metroplex. We can promise you the best, most advanced sports medicine available, and you’ll be back on the court as soon as possible.

Lunes, Nobyembre 16, 2015

Knee Replacement in Frisco, TX: Your Joint Pain Solution Is Here

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Texas Orthopedic Partners is your Knee Replacement in Frisco TX specialists. Call us today at 469-293-4000.

At Texas Orthopedic Partners we guarantee an expert diagnosis and treatment plan. Our staff is dedicated to your healing process and quality of life after your pain, treatments and or surgery is over with. Whether you are a candidate for a knee replacement, hip replacement, hand or elbow surgery, joint surgery, or in need of other Orthopedic Surgeon services, or Sports Medicine, our staff and Doctors can help! Call us today to schedule an appointment 469-293-4000.
Visit us online at

Texas Orthopedic Partners
4401 Coit Rd, Suite 203
Frisco, TX 75035