Miyerkules, Nobyembre 18, 2015

Sports Medicine Frisco, TX: Avoiding Sports-Related Injuries

sports medicine frisco txIf there is one thing our practice has noticed of late, it’s the growing need for sports medicine in Frisco, TX. We get it; sports-related injuries happen. Many of them can’t be avoided, but many of them can. It’s amazing what a little bit of patience or critical thinking can accomplish, so before you try to recreate the dunk of the century, take a look at your training habits to make sure your body isn’t at risk.
You’ve heard it before. You’ve heard it a million times. But stretching never gets old-fashioned. The urge to simply lace up and hit the field is a strong one, but be sure you stretch your muscles carefully before physically strenuous exercise or you will run a high risk of injury. Don’t just stretch, either--you need to warm up, with a jog or some related activity, and then do a comprehensive stretch (we know, it takes patience).
Getting into shape is a key to healthy performance. This might sound obvious, but what we’re referring to isn’t simply the ability to run fast or jump high; it’s the time in the weight room working on muscles that don’t necessarily make you look better on the beach. Pitchers don’t simply hurl fastballs from a mound all day--they follow a strict regimen of pitcher-specific exercises and weightlifting that will prevent wear and tear. The fact that you can jump out of the gym doesn’t mean you are in great shape either. If you jump high but don’t properly condition your legs (thighs especially), the shock you absorb from landing will likely lead to patellar tendinitis (“jumper’s knee”) or something similar.
On a related note, use good form when you work out. This is another over-used piece of advice, but bad form leads to bad results and bad injuries. You would be amazed at the amount of athletes seeking sports medicine in Frisco TX because they got lazy with shoulder press form or didn’t squat correctly. Furthermore, don’t attempt goals that you aren’t ready for. Too much weight, for instance, can lead to serious injury, and that extra sprint that you haven’t trained for is likely the sprint that will leave you with a pulled quad or hamstring.
Your body needs it. Without rest, your body can’t recover and rebuild. We recommend at least one day per week when your body can catch up, even though you can still put up some shots or throw a few passes. Thirty years down the road (or even two!), your muscles and joints will be thanking you for the rest days you put in while you were still training hard!
Wear Protective Gear
Lastly, don’t take your safety on the field for granted. While you might play nine games in a row without a certain pad and live to tell about it, you never know what game 10 will bring. We understand that putting all of your gear on every time you play is tedious, and it might even be uncomfortable--but rehab is far more tedious and uncomfortable than any pad could ever be.
In short, don’t cut corners when training and playing sports. We can promise you this: there won’t be any shortcuts when you’re rehabbing an injured muscle. When the need for sports medicine in Frisco, TX does come along, though, make sure you call 469-293-4000 to get the best care available in the DFW Metroplex. We can promise you the best, most advanced sports medicine available, and you’ll be back on the court as soon as possible.

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